Michele Collum

Poet, Memoirist, Mystery Writer
We meet at last...
I have been writing since I could wrap my fingers around a pencil--or probably a crayon. Being strongly influenced by the work of Emily Dickinson, poetry was my first love. But let's face it, I love all things writing, books, paper and ink.
Early inspirations were Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, where I developed a crush on all things British, such as tea, scones, being a lady and having Great Expectations for myself.
I owned a small bookstore for awhile (and crave to do so again), authored a healthcare blog and maintained a monthly family newsletter.
Later, as my children began leaving the nest, I received a Bachelors of Science in Nursing from University of Texas at Arlington and worked in healthcare for 16 years.
I am a member of the National Association of Memoir Writers and Amherst Writers and Artists ,PennWriters and Sisters In Crime and have attended multiple writing events and retreats all over the world.
My current focus is publishing The Good Girl, a coming of age memoir about growing up in the Bible Belt, while also working on her first mystery novel and occasionally adding content to a poetry chapbook.
My husband Bob and I are recent southern transplants to Pittsburgh where we live with our furry girl, Isabel.

Stay tuned...I'm under construction.
coming soon...